I Ship Express

Manchester and surrounding towns authorizedshipping center for UPS, Fed Ex, Fed ExExpress, and DHL. Our services include shredding, packing, shipping, faxing, and copies. Computer rentals with internet. We sell boxes […]

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Maple Street School

A K–8 co-ed day school in Manchester Center that promotes academic excellence and joyful learning.

Southwest Vermont Career Development Center

Preparing Students for College, Careers and Community – Let us be part of your Flexible Pathway PLP!

The Bank of Bennington

The only bank headquartered in Bennington County! Committed to helping our communities thrive, we are a mutual bank with no shareholders to answer to, only customers to please. We stand by our motto: Your […]

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W.H. Shaw Insurance

The region’s oldest family-owned independent insurance agency specializing in home, auto, commercial, life, and long-term-care insurance from outstanding national and regional companies.